2019 Big Bass Challenge

Jason Baird, Salina, holds the big bass of the event, a 5.25 lb. largemouth bass during the 19th annual Big Bass Challenge on Sept. 7, 2019, at Lake Wilson.

Big Bass Challenge a success at Lake Wilson

Wilson, KS (Sept. 7, 2019) — Anglers were faced with high water conditions for the 19th Annual Big Bass Challenge at Lake Wilson. More than 100 anglers in 53 boats participated in the annual event put on by the Hays Bass Anglers Association. Following the playing of The National Anthem, boats were called out by number, one-at-a-time, to begin the tournament. High water with the reservoir more than six-feet above conservation pool did not hinder the bite as anglers brought in numbers of big bass. The team of brothers, Jason Baird and Jeremy Dinneen, both of Salina, brought in the big bass of the tournament, a 5.25 pound largemouth.  “There were a lot of nice fish brought in,” said Klint VonFeldt, weigh-master for the event and a club member of HBAA.  “I just wish I could be out there fishing alongside them,” VonFeldt added. Anglers were treated to a free post-tournament BBQ with refreshments and more following the event. Hourly winners received checks for first and second place during the awards celebration which followed the tournament on Saturday afternoon. HBAA wants to thank all anglers and sponsors who helped make this year’s event a success.  Watch the Slideshow from the event. Mark you calendars now as the date has been set for next year’s Big Bass Challenge — Sept. 12, 2020, at Lake Wilson.

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